Next Go Round
Well spring has finally sprung!!!! So that meant that Max had to play ball for about 12 hours. Max had a very good weekend. I did too. Got two runs outside and in sunshine done. The last double digits until the marathon. That is right, running a marathon next weekend in case you missed it. Just kidding. No one has missed that nugget of information. While I was cruising along on my runs this weekend with the bunnies and the bees thinking about nothing and everything at the same time I realized that I really liked training for the marathon. That might same crazy but training for this has made me push myself more than I ever have before. I have run more than I ever thought possible. And endured more on the treadmill than I ever really wanted too (thanks never ending Illinois winter). I know I haven't even run the darn thing yet and this will definitely sound crazy but I am excited to do it again. I have already found the next ...