Month in Review: March

Last many miles

166 miles. More miles then I think I have run....ever.

Half marathons run: 3
March O' Madness 
Chitown Half
Egg Shell Shuffle

Medals Obtained: 3

Some yoga, some weights, but not enough. The last three days I have taken time off. It has been pretty awesome. Though I do fear I will be a bit like this when I get back to running

Sleeping in is just so delicious. Having energy all day is also kind of cool.
This month I can stop running so much. And I am kind of happy about that. Things are starting to get tired, creaky and a little agitated. So achy that I cut a 22 mile run down to 14.5 due to my left foot feeling weird. Nothing is allowed to feel weird. NOTHING. 

Only 4 weeks until the marathon


  1. I'm getting so excited about reduced mileage ... and I love running. I guess that's a sign I need a break. I know what you mean about things getting tired, creaky and a little agitated. I'm definitely feeling that way, too. FOUR WEEKS?!? SO exciting!!!


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