Next Go Round

Well spring has finally sprung!!!!

 So that meant that Max had to play ball for about 12 hours.

 Max had a very good weekend. I did too. Got two runs outside and in sunshine done. The last double digits until the marathon. That is right, running a marathon next weekend in case you missed it. Just kidding. No one has missed that nugget of information.

While I was cruising along on my runs this weekend with the bunnies and the bees thinking about nothing and everything at the same time I realized that I really liked training for the marathon. That might same crazy but training for this has made me push myself more than I ever have before. I have run more than I ever thought possible. And endured more on the treadmill than I ever really wanted too (thanks never ending  Illinois winter). I know I haven't even run the darn thing yet and this will definitely sound crazy but I am excited to do it again.  I have already found the next training plan I want to use.

I have read about the Hanson method a few times in shorter magazine articles but went ahead and bought the book so I could really get a handle on it. What peaked my interest in this method is there are no 20 mile runs. Instead it is more about running on fatigued legs to simulate the last few miles of the marathon during many of the of training runs in this program. The longest run is 16 miles. Training for the Wisconsin marathon I did two twenty mile runs using half marathons to motivate myself because I do not like super long runs (I will need to get over this eventually if I want to do an ultra). If I can prepare myself for a marathon without doing twenty milers I am all for trying it. Of course I am about one chapter into the book so there may be more to it than yay I don't have to do super long runs.

I also know that I want and need to incorporate lifting and cross training into race preparation. In my mind I was thinking I had all summer to do this and run some shorter distances and work on speed and then starting in September could start marathon training.....and then I counted the weeks back from October 13th when the Chicago marathon takes place and realized marathon training starts back up mid-June if I want to start at the beginning of the program. Clearly I have no concept of time. And I have no idea why I thought that I could start training in September for an October marathon. Sometimes I am just super special like that.

Instead I am going to use May and the beginning of June to do a few things:
1) Recover from the marathon. Fingers crossed this recovery doesn't take very long cause I got stuff to do.
2) Get on a solid schedule of lifting and doing body weight exercises three times a week.
3) Bike and do yoga twice a week
4) Hello core exercises- I am going to do you at least 5 times a week.
5) Finish my 30 half marathons before 30 goal. If I can eek out another sub 2 hour finish that would be cool too.
Do you have any summertime training plans?


  1. Sounds like a fabulous weekend! So glad spring has arrived! I liked marathon training crazy as that might be! Best of luck to you!! I know you'll do great!

    1. Thank you! I am glad I am not the only 'crazy' runner who likes lots of training:).

  2. I have the Hanson book and going to use it for Chicago Marathon in October! If you want to chat about it, feel free to message me. I read through it about a month ago or so, and have been upping my pre training training to get ready for it!
    I got a lot of good reviews on it from

    I'm going to try to do the advanced training plan. *gulp*

    I love seeing the flower photos everyone is starting to post! So tired of the lack of color.

    Good luck with your last leg of training!

    1. I am going to try to do the advanced training plan too! We will have to fill each other in with how it is going and any tips. Hopefully we will both be kickin butt at Chicago.

    2. Oh gosh! Good luck! Since I don't have any races under my belt, I've been upping my miles by 10% every week the last couple months to get to 50mpw now. Hopefully training will be smooth, but I don't enjoy waking up so early to get my runs in before work.

  3. It's a good sign that you're already planning your next marathon! That whole timing thing is totally something I would do too so it's comforting to know I'm not the only one :P

    1. I am thinking I have really just lost my mind;).

  4. Gorgeous flower photos! I'm so glad that spring is finally coming around. It sounds like you have a great plan for training for your fall marathon. I love the combination of yoga and running--I think yoga really helps you be a better runner. Good luck with the final part of your taper and good luck this weekend!

    1. I totally agree about yoga I just wished I liked it more then it would be less of a struggle to be motivated. But I need to get serious and embrace it:).

  5. Wow! You give me hope that marathons aren't really as scary as I think they are. You are going to rock it! By the way, great photos!

    1. They are still scary, I am nervous but live dangerously;).

  6. I'm impressed that you're already on to Marathon #2 without finishing the 1st marathon, yet. You're such an inspiration - or a complete crazy person. Either one!

  7. I can't wait till the weekend for you. It's going to be amazing. Yeah, I liked marathon training as well...I really missed the eating. Be careful to cut back (drastically?) on the eating after the marathon because I kept eating at training level and BALLOONED! Sorry if I've told you this already.

    So...Half Moon Bay, eh? Spare bed at my house? Hot tub and champagne afterwards?? Do it!

    (does hot tub and champagne sound a little saucy? sorry)

    1. I am going to try to keep the eating in check...but I make no promises:). No, that is good advice. You forget how many extra calories you burn compared to normal. Hot tub and champagne sounds totally saucy and I love it and pretty much sold it to me. I am thinking next paycheck I may need to register and coordinate a trip!


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