Shuffle Time

Sunday is the Shamrock Shuffle! 
Stolen from here

Just me and thousands of my closest running buds.
It is gonna be great.

Saturday I have my last loooonnnnnnngggggg run on the schedule. It is supposed to be a 22 miler. But with no medal or t-shirt to motivate me like the last few long runs we will see what happens. Due to the longest training run ever known to man I have no expectation of kicking this 8K's ass. I don't even know how long an 8k is- 5 miles? 4.97 miles- so do we just round up and call it 5 miles? This is all very confusing.

What I do know is Saturday I get to head down to Navy Pier for packet pick-up and Sunday I get to run through the streets of Chicago!

And if you are interested don't forget to give Kona Kase a try. Get 50% off with the code JustPlodding at checkout!


  1. Yay! Good luck on your 22 miler and also shamrock. I'll be there too- I love that race!

  2. Yikes! I can't fathom running 22 miles. I know you will rock it (and the 8K), though!

  3. 22 is a LOT...I only ran 20s before my marathon! You're going to rock this. You must be SO fit at the moment...have you noticed a difference in how you feel/look? I remember the constant hunger and being able to eat EVERYTHING without worrying. (Hint: don't forget to STOP eating everything when you stop training afterwards!!)


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