Happy 2013: Resolutions

2012  has been amazing.

Regular Life

  • D & I kicked school out of our lives 
  • We both became part of the employed masses = Yay jobs
  • We moved from Arizona to Illinois 
  • D &  I celebrated 6 years of wedded bliss
  • Visited some awesome places- Chicago, California, Sedona, Colorado to name a few
Running Life
  • I ran 1031. 5 miles
  • I ran 18 half marathons
So much loot
  • I achieved two big goals
    • A half marathon under two hours
    • Ran 1000 miles this year. 
  • I PR'd in a 5K and 10K- well I haven't run these distances in years so we will say PR (high school aged awesomeness does not count).
  • I registered for my second marathon. I ran one in 2006 but it went kind of not awesome so looking forward to redemption 2013. Hello Wisconsin marathon- I come to dominate.
Well hello there 2013. I have big plans for you.

Regular Life
  • Keep working hard at my job
  • Save some sweet cash
  • Figure out the house situation in IL- buy or keep renting
  • Explore more of IL and WI
Running Life
  • Run 5 more half marathons to complete my 30 before 30 goal
  • I would like to get another half under two hours to prove to myself I didn't actually run through some sort of time warp/ worm hole and really ran 13.1 miles in less than 2 hours. 
  • I don't really know how to set goals for the marathon. It seems like such a huge goal. I have decided that when I stand on the start line I want to be in the best shape possible. I want to feel that I have prepared to the best of my abilities. This means training smart = hills, tempo and easy runs. Keeping my easy runs easy will be key I think. 
Training Calendar-
  • Run the Wisconsin and Chicago marathons and I hope the Half Moon Bay Marathon.
  • Eat more vegetables and fruits- better in general. I know that the lighter I am the faster I can run. But instead of focusing on dropping more lbs I am going to focus on eating better. You know: Eat food. Not too much. Mostly Plants - Michael Pollen. This will be tough- because I love food, not so much vegetables and I like a lot of it. But one day at a time. 
  • Overall- run faster and farther than I did in 2012
  • 1500 miles this year. 


  1. Great goals for 2013. I'd say you had a very successful 2012!!!

  2. That is an amazing 2012, congratulations!! I really like your marathon goal - it's so wise! Mine was to run the whole way, with a vague time goal. I missed the time goal by 2 mins (not a big deal) but ran the whole way and that meant so much!

    Three marathons in a year? You're hard-core this year.

  3. Are you gonna try and sign up for Chicago this year?! I need your advice on how to get in. I'd love to run that one. We are also trying to get into St. George (maybe), and I think those two are close together (time-wise).

    1. Besides stalking the website my plan is to just try to start registering the minute it opens on Feb. 19th. There is no lottery so I am thinking it is first come first serve. St. George is supposed to be super fast course- PR and BQ territory for sure:).


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