Top 5

The other day D walked into the kitchen and asked " what are your top five running moments thus far on your 30 before 30 goal- go". So here they are:

1. Breaking two hours in the half.

Who would have thought I could run that fast. Not me. I used to run 11 to 12 minute miles when I first started this quest. When I ran a mile around 10:30 I figured that was as fast as I could go. Now I know I can run miles in the 8 min. mile range. Crazy. Now I think I can run even faster if I focus my training and do some speed work and tempo runs. Maybe my Top 5 for next year will include breaking into the 1:40s for the half. Dream big.

2. The Sedona Half Marathon

This race was just beautiful. It was a fun getaway for D and I. A cool place to visit. An awesome course and medal. I think one day I would like to go back and do the marathon. If you ever get the chance, do this race.

3.Catching the racing bug at Mount Lemmon- Round One

This was the first race I did after deciding to go for 30 before 30. The crazy became apparent right there as Mount Lemmon is pretty much all uphill. It was slow and leg burn inducing and so much fun. I think this is when I officially caught the I love running races bug. Fast or slow being out with other runners is always a lot of fun. Even if it means we are all grumbling about being dumb for thinking a race all uphill was a good idea. I loved it so much I went back for more.

4. My family cheering me on at the Horsetooth Half

The Horsetooth Half is actually the first half marathon I ever ran back in 2006. I came back for round two because when I wasn't running up hills for two and half hours it meant I could visit with my family. It was super fun to have my own cheering section at the end of the race and get to go out to brunch with them after. And even when I am all sweaty and gross they have to claim me because we are family.

5. Running hard at The Lost Dutchman
This is the first half where I felt I didn't just coast in my comfortable running zone but actually pushed it and ran hard the whole way. I didn't get a PR while doing it but it proved to myself that I was tough enough to challenge myself out there and still finish and would not die or have a lung collapse or anything dramatic. Plus one of my all time favorite medals. And I do it all for the medals.

What are some of your favorite running moments?


  1. There is so much to be proud of here! I'm most excited about you smashing your 2 hour goal :-). Congratulations!

  2. This is a great top 5! I'm so impressed at your speed! You rock for breaking 2 hours for a half. It's so cool to see your time improvement.

    One of my proudest moments came in my PR half marathon. I don't necessarily think it was because it was a PR; I just enjoyed every second. It solidified my love of running and the half distance.


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