Product Review: Aspaeris Pivot Shorts

I am completely and totally impressed with Aspaeris Pivot Shorts

I bought a pair when they had that awesome 50% off coupon code. They were shipped out right away and reached me within three days. I was skeptical when I opened the package and had itty, bitty, teeny tiny shorts fall out.

But they went on easily and felt great. I wore them for the Sedona Half
That is two thumbs up for the shorts!

And totally killed some hills and my legs felt fine after- thanks awesome and magical unicorn hairs shorts. I am sticking with that being the only explanation that would allow for these tiny shorts to fit on my bootyliciousness (thank you Beyonce for that Webster's dictionary expansion) and not cut off all circulation. They made my IT band problem go away and my hip feel less sore, two injuries that I have been trying to ignore  deal with.  I have also recently worn them spinning and they work great for that as well.

But tragedy struck and the string I noticed when I first got them that was dangling turned into a seam that started to unravel, leaving me with a hole after only one wash. I emailed the customer service division on a Saturday night. Sunday morning by 8a.m. Bonnee had emailed me back apologizing and saying they would send me a new pair right away. They arrived in the mail today. I did a happy dance at the mailbox, in broad daylight. Um that kind of customer service never happens. I am impressed.

I know of multiple people who have these shorts and have not had a single problem so I am pretty sure the seam unravel issue was just a freak accident. I now dream of a day when I have a pair of these shorts in every color and for every occasion. 

Thank you Aspaeris Pivot Short from Samara Innovations. A great product and great customer service.

Disclaimer: I was not paid, bribed or forced in any way to sing these praises. I feel that awesome customer service can be a rare gem these days and should be given honorable mention and since I have created my own little shout out forum I am mentioning. Now buy some.


  1. HA! Magical unicorn hair shorts! We love it. Glad you love the shorts.

  2. Agreed-- mine haven't fallen apart at all and I love them also!

  3. Love mine and their customer service is THE BEST!

  4. I really, really, really want to try these shorts!!!!


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