The Week in Miles: Jan. 12th- 18th

This week I was a little bit tired and sore, probably from all the miles last week. Still got quite a few miles in and passed the 100 mile mark for the year! Making good progress on my 2015 miles in 2015. I also feel like I have made significant gains in my fitness and speed the last few months. Trying extra hard to stay healthy and injury free because I think consistent training has really been a positive thing.

Monday: Da track for some track torture in the form of 4 X 1200 with mile warm-up and cool-down and 200 walk recovery. Little more tired this week. Probably from the high mileage last week. 8:13 average pace. Full body weight workout = ouch.

Tuesday: 3 mile morning treadmill walk. Hour of Pilates. 5 mile half marathon training group run with four of those miles sub 10 minutes.

Wednesday: Woke up tired and sore and really struggled. But got 13 miles in. Immediately proceeded to nap time before work (true bonus of working in the afternoons.)

Thursday: No running. Rest day. Woot woot. Full body weights and some tendon exercises (trying something new to keep my Achilles happy- if it is awesome I will share.).

Friday: Sore from lifting but hit downtown for some tempo miles. 8.2 miles totals. 4 minutes fast, 1 minute recovery. Tough but fun.

Saturday:  Four miles with the half training group at an average 9:50 pace.

Sunday: 6 mile hike in the mountains

Total: 44.7 miles for the week, 2 sessions of heavy weights and Pilates......not bad....


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