
Runner's World once again has the streak going on. Run a mile everyday between Thanksgiving and Christmas to combat the bulge and the tendency to get lazy as it gets colder and darker out. Last year Jac totally killed their Memorial Day to Fourth of July streak and I egged her on and I jumped in to extend the streak until I hurt myself......where am I going with this.....

Okay, to streak or not to streak. I kind of want to streak.
First, I have a treadmill. If I can't get a mile a day in, no one can.
Second, last time I went streaking I got all crazy about it and saw the mile run a day as a chance to throw down a fast mile instead of a just take it easy recovery run between my normal runs. I shall be smarter this time.
Third, we are not traveling at all this holiday season. Therefore it should be extremely easy to get'er done.
Finally, I love to eat. All things delicious. I see Thanksgiving as the kickoff of a month and a half of face stuffing, therefore this streak could not come at a better time.

In conclusion I am going streaking. Anyone want to go streaking with me?


  1. I'm trying it along with the 30 day shred challenge starting Black Friday :)

    It can't hurt to at least start?

    1. That is awesome. You are super hardcore to do the shred and go streaking!

    2. Not sure hardcore is the right's more of an...I've been talked into doing Ragnar Arizona in February and am teaching a boot camp class in the spring (and don't look that part at all!) so have little choice but to get my butt in shape!!

  2. Sounds like fun- but being the injury prone runner that I am, my body can only handle 3 days in a row of running.

    Good luck!

    1. I have to be careful and will back off if I notice I am heading for a break down. Nice and easy is the name of the game:).

  3. Good luck on your streak! I am with Xaarlin on this one, too injury prone:(

    1. Running every day is not for everyone, not even sure if it is for me, but we will give it a go and see how it goes:).

  4. Like Jen, I've downloaded the 30 day shred. As we're away for three weeks, I'm committing to either running or shredding each day. That should be fun. Good luck on your streak, just don't forget to rest.

    1. You are awesome! I am interested to hear how the shred goes for you guys. Shall I expect six packs and tickets to the gun show when you are done?:)


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