Xmas loot & Winning

Last night we arrived back in Tucson after a fun week in Colorado. I miss Colorado already but it is supposed to be 75 today in Tucson so there is that.

Colorado Snow!

Our Gingerbread village- so fun

Nellie likes presents
Max exhausted from all the Christmas fun
I scored pretty big in the running apparel gift department. Plus using my Mom's JCPenny coupon got to add on some fun running pants and capris.
Present # 1: Awesome Under Armour  running outfit- now I can look coordinated !

Coupon find: black capris!

Running tights: take that cold Tucson morning!

What is this?

Present of the year!
That's right it is a running skirt. 

WHOOP. So excited to break this baby out at a race.

I also arrived home to an 3rd place finisher art work thing from the Tucson Half Marathon. I was the third place filly.  In other words the third place female finisher over 160lbs (To review my former thoughts on Clydesdales).

Navajo Indians of Gallup, New Mexico artwork- sandpainting  artwork

And you know what I was freakin excited about it. Who would have thought that I would ever place in a run? Crazy. So now I am thinking if I add some speed work and actually get my butt out the door (I haven't run consistently for three weeks) maybe I can do it again. A second or first place. And maybe not just in the "junk in the trunk" category but the regular sized runner category. Dream big Bean, DREAM BIG!

 So now off to run three miles but I leave you with pictures of a Colorado sunset- beautiful

 Up tomorrow- the year in review plus goals for 2012!


  1. Ugh, I remember our post on the Clydesdale thing and it still kills me...just UGH.

    On the bright side, you placed! I've never placed in my entire life, so that's cool!


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