I'm Famous! + Seven Things Thursday

So I woke up this morning and checked all my favorite blogs and found my self listed on a list of blogs to check out. Thanks Heather! Made me so excited. It is fun to know that someone besides my mom, sister and husband check out my blog! (Thanks mom, sister, husband for reading! Love you guys). In the spirit of her post I thought I would also do a seven fun facts (fun being open to interpretation).

1. I moved to Tucson Arizona from Anchorage Alaska where I lived for two years. While living in Alaska I bounced off the back side of a bear when I came around a switchback hiking near this glacier
Exit Glacier
lucky for me the bear just kept moving down the mountain. I on the other hand almost crapped my pants and had a heart attack.

2. I am getting my PhD in Public Policy from 
Bear Down
but kinda secretly  want to open a bakery one day or maybe a running store. 

3. I used to be less ploddy and more speedy when I ran in high school (5K in 21 minutes). I would one day like to be able to run a little faster than my usual 10:30 - 11 min. pace. Work in progress.

4. I really like fish as pets and used to have a big aquarium that broke when we moved. I would one day again like to have a large aquarium and only a large aquarium. I love my dogs but when it comes to traveling fish are so much easier to leave behind. 
One fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish

5. Yoga. I want to like it. I really do and I have a million and one yoga dvds. And a super cute pink yoga mat and you know Jennifer Aniston does yoga and looks awesome
Do yoga and you can be a sexy beast too.
but I don't like it and I don't think I ever will.

6. But I do love swimming and swim twice a week to cross train and love being in the pool. LOVE IT.

7. Jen Lancaster is my favorite author. I laugh so hard when I read her books. I want to be her best friend and kind of cyber stalk her blog but since she is a famous author and that funny I figure she puts up with a lot of cyber stalking so it is okay. 

Yeah for fun facts!


  1. You're welcome! Love that story about the bear--totally makes me laugh!! Seriously, who does that happen to?!


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