Inside Time

After our Sequoia fail we hung at the in-laws for two weeks. Got to sleep inside, showers, refrigeration and air conditioning.  So fancy. All those little things you miss living outdoors. We had a great time hanging out, going wine tasting, doing yardwork, visiting, trying different restaurants in the area and living indoors. I got some running in but honestly the running fitness is at an all time low while my hiking fitness is at an all time high. Oh well. Will probably need to get on that before fall races. 

One source of inspiration was spectating the finish line of the Western States 100. These people were just amazing! I am not built for 100 mile trail run but if someone needs crew or a pacer I am totally in!

 I also got to see Cat and her family ( check her blog out at My Heart's Content). I had the best time hanging with them (as evidenced by me crushing her with my love in the pic below). I absolutely love them and it was great to see them.

We decided that since we didn't get to do our Sequoia backpacking we would backpack the Lost Coast Trail. So after two weeks of rest and relaxation we headed for the coast.


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