New Orleans: Days 3 & 4

New Orleans recap continues because one, I had an awesome time and you all must share in the glory of this vacation, and two not much going on right now to blog about so yay for oversharing. 

Saturday Karen, Michelle and I got up to run along the Mississippi and explore a bit.  We did an easy 3 to 4 miles with stops at points of interest. 

When we were done we hit up the French Market for coffee and met up with Sarah who had slept in. We walked over to Stanley's in Jackson Square for breakfast then returned to the hotel to shower and hit the road to get to bar Tonique

for a homemade bloody Mary.  

Then we tried to figure out how to take the trolley to packet pick-up...and ended up in a cab cause it was taking too long.The Shamrockin 8K started about a mile from where we stayed but ended well 5 miles away. We wandered around the Audubon Park a bit and finally found packet pick-up and figured out how to ride on the trolley on the way back. We grabbed some food later and went to bed early cause by this point we were all a bit tired from  all of our adventures. 

On Sunday we got up, put on green and headed to the WWII Museum for the start of the 8k. It was an easy walk from where we were staying. It was finally sunny which was nice but made the run a bit steamy. 

The race was well organized. We put ourselves in corrals and were off. We ran through some beautiful neighborhoods and finished in the park. I ran it in a little over 49 minutes. At the finish we got beer steins, jambalaya and other snacks, there was lots of free beer and Cowboy Mouth was playing.

We stood around listening to the band for awhile and then went over to watch the elites run their race. They ran loops around the park. Crazy fast. I think they all finished in 28 minutes. I can't even....what! The crazy thing is they don't even look like they are trying. 

We took shuttle buses back to the start and walked to brunch at Buffa's, a kind of hole in the wall place we chose after other places had too long of a wait. 4 hangry women does not = happiness. After brunch we stopped for ice cream mixed drinks which are the beverage of my dreams. I had a dreamsicle, which is vanilla ice cream, OJ, Vodka, and unicorn magic. We showered and walked along Royal Street for our last day to look at art. Then hit up Kingfish for dinner where I tried Drum, a popular fish in Louisiana, I didn't think it was anything special. 

The next day we headed home. I had an amazing time on this trip and love having adventures with these ladies! The Shamrockin 8K was a great race and I would do it again. If you are looking for a fun run this one would be it!


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