Friday Favorites

This album:

Fair warning it is country, but the kind of country I love. You probably already know her by the mega hit Burning House
but  her entire album is great.

NFL Bad Lipreading

Someone showed me this at work and I could not stop laughing. So funny. And I could really care less about football.....except the Broncos. GO BRONCOS!

Olympics 2016 and all the inspirational videos coming out.

Kara Goucher

Ashley Higginson

I am excited that I am running a marathon on the same weekend as the Olympic Trials. Not really sure why, it will take me twice the time (at least) as those women running at the trials and it is not like we are running the same marathon but I still think it is pretty cool. 

Off this weekend for some trail fun and my last longish run with my training group. Have a great weekend!


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