This week in Training: Dec 7 -13th

First things first- picture of a cute dog.

He is not mine but he is the cutest and we are now BFFs. Any time a dog wears a Christmas shirt I am all for it.

On to training....
Lately I have been a little less than motivated. My bed is just so warm and cozy in the morning. Sleep is glorious. Lounging around is glorious. Not working out = glorious. So I decided that every Monday from here on out I have to post the last weeks workouts and hopefully the pressure of knowing I have to do that will motivate me to get it done. Basically peer pressure, but I am not jumping off a bridge because you all are doing it or doing drugs cause the cool kids said so. Instead, I am hopefully getting a workout in. Knowing I was going to post this did keeps me moving this week so I think it is working.

Monday: 4.5 miles on the treadmill. Plus lifted weights. Focus on lifting on unsteady surfaces. Bosu ball, one legged exercises etc. That was hard. Spinning for 40 minutes.

Tuesday: 1 hour of pilates. Apparently I have lost all core strength in the last few months because it hurt. It hurt so bad. 5 miles of running in the evening with my training group. Hilly but fast.

Wednesday: Lifted weights.

Thursday: Nada- rest day for the win

Friday: 6 mile run. Two miles on trail the rest uphill or down.

Saturday:  5.5 miles on my new favorite trail. Flatish. Wide. Runnable. Not full of rocks trying to kill me. I think it's love.

Sunday: 11 miles. Was aiming for 16 but my IT band just would not give it a rest in the stabbing pain weird knee feeling so I backed off. My IT band has been off ever since right before the Philadelphia Half. It is feeling better (lifting and IT band focused exercises and stretches are helping) but it is not 100% yet. A lot of my favorite running peeps are down for the count with injuries. Not loving that.

CROSS TRAINING: Yay it happened. Thumbs up.


  1. Everyone needs some accountability sometimes. Apparently I need prizes. Even though I love running and am still obsessed with it, I would rather stay in bed than actually run so I have promised myself a prize if I 'do some exercise' every day between 1st/24th December! To add to it, I also have to read my bible every day. What kind of runner and christian need PRIZES to do the things they love? Apparently I do!

    So...get yourself a prize!


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