This week in training: Dec. 14th- 20th

This week I upped my mileage, got in some cross training and ate and drank my weight in holiday treats and wine. Not a bad week.

Monday:  3 easy miles on the treadmill. Lifted weights. 

Tuesday: In the morning an hour of Pilates, 45 minutes of spin. In the evening my favorite reps came to town- Sarah from Balega socks and Trigger Point and Mark from Mizuno. After a 6 mile run it was raffle and treats time. Always a good time when they come to town.

One of our runners made this amazing rice krispy treat cake.

 Wednesday: Lifted weights. Walked the dog.

Thursday: 800s on the treadmill for a total of 6 miles.

Friday: 8 miles of trails. Super fun and a beautiful day. Started to listen to the Serial podcast on my runs and the miles tend to fly by because I am not really paying attention to the whole running thing. Did he or didn't he..ahhhh. Yes I am a million years behind on the podcast thing.

Saturday: Rest day! And wine hydration day with a side of painting. Got to spend a few hours with some awesome ladies. Snacks, wine and the displaying of artistic talent. A perfect evening!

Sunday: 18 miles with some of my training group. They all did so awesome! This is the first good long run I have had in awhile. It felt good pretty much the whole way. Now everything hurts and I am dying but during- it was all A okay. 

Total Running Miles: 41
Cross training: Yay it happened


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