Training Week April 13th -19th

Last week I finally got a good long run in and felt a bit of speed coming back. That is a nice feeling.

One mile warm-up the 4 x 1 miles on the treadmill all between 8:57 and 8:30 pace with a 400 recovery between. 1/2 mile cool down. Plus a half mile walk with Max the wonder dog and 2 miles with my Couch to 5k group for a total of 9 miles.

Lifted arms at the gym, The five miles with my advanced 10k training group.

2.5 miles walk in the morning and an hour of pilates. 5 miles with my beginner 10k group for a total of 7.5 miles.

Ran 2 miles, walked 2 miles and lifted arms.

14 mile long run slow and easy. This run felt really great. It had been awhile since I had done a long run so I was a bit nervous. It was a beautiful morning.

 Later that day I got to go to the track to watch one of my favorite runners kick butt at the mile. It made me think that coaching at the high school level might be something I would enjoy.

3 mile run personal training, 2 miles with my couch to 5k group, 5 miles with my advanced 10k group. 1 mile walk with the hubs and dog for a total of 11 miles.

I had planned to do some trail running but a tweaked Achilles was telling me to slow my roll so instead Max and I went for a half mile walk and I went to yoga.

Total:  52 miles of running and walking, 1 session of pilates, 1 session of yoga, 2 sessions of lifting. Pretty awesome week!


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