Friday Favorites

I don't know if I have been living under a rock or what but I somehow missed this song by one of my favorites. So sassy, so fun. Love it. Miranda you lookin good girl!

And what the heck is going on with Nick Jonas..

So damn catchy. Two of my new favorites on the ipod.

Flowers, flowers everywhere! Made the trail run this morning amazing. I have to enjoy it while it last because in no time at all the trails will be a hot and dusty inferno.

Cheap flowers at the grocery store were a nice pick me up.

My new favorite shoes- Asics 33M. When I first put them on I was like eh. But after some miles they are the new favorites in the closet. At a 4mm drop they are a bit lower and I noticed after a ten mile day my Achilles were a bit tired so pay attention to that if you decide to try them.

And some Friday funnies....

The daily struggle....tacos are winning.

Happy Friday


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