Race Against Racism 10K

One of my goals for this year was to race a different distance than my usual half marathon or full marathon. So I decided to either do a 10k or 10 miler. Monday there happened to be a 10K so I signed up figuring it would be a good workout in pushing the pace in preparation for the half marathon. Plus it was on a flat course which is nice since lately I have been running quite a bit of hills. As always when I sign up for a longer distance....as I passed the 5K turn around I was like why do you gotta be an over achiever. But 10Ks are a good challenge.

Result- well I was reminded the flat courses are not really that easy and the nice thing about hills are that there are downhills. I also finished in 55:48 with an average mile time of 8:58 and placed second in my age group! Whoop I will take it!

The good thing about this 10K is at the end I felt like I could have held a hard pace for a few more miles. This is good since the half marathon coming up in February is longer than 6 miles.... I also got to thinking that at some point I would like to really train for some short distances, not as part of a long distance training program, not racing without tapering or resting before but actually focus on 5k and or 10k races for a bit and see if I can do them well. Hmmm maybe a goal for next year as I currently want to focus on the half and full marathon distance and hopefully nail some PRs this year. One of my goals is to PR in 5K but I am uncertain that without focusing on this distance that goal can happen. I tend to be able to go far or go fast but not both in training. But we will give it a go.

Overall this race was fun and I am glad I did it cause I check one 2015 goal off the list!

Anyone completed some of their 2015 goals?


  1. Congrats on your AG placement! The title of the race makes it sound pretty cool! Did the proceeds go toward a anti-racism program?

    I almost PR'd the 5K from putting in so many marathon training miles. I think it can happen! :) (now I am 5K and ultra training, together :) )

    1. That gives me hope that I can PR in long and short distances at the same time!

  2. Once my half is out the way next week I'm going to be focussing on 10ks until May at least, as my college courses won't allow enough time for long, slow runs. I'm actually really excited to be focussing on shorter distances. Jan 1st's 10k showed me that I can hold on to an uncomfortable pace for 6.2 miles, even if 13.1 is too long for that. I can't wait to get started.

    1. I think you will rock the shorter distances!!! I am so excited about your college courses you will of course rock those as well!


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