2014 in Review

This year has been pretty amazing!!! I am pretty lucky to have such great friends and family. Thanks to everyone who was a part of my amazing 2014!

Mercedes Half- Adventures Alabama style. Learn I can run fast even on tired marathon training legs. Also learned that Nicole is awesome...no wait I already knew that. 

Tried for 4:20 finish and got a 4:28. Still a PR! Got to run with Buddy who helped me keep going when times got rough and got to see the amazing Dana and Patrice finish their first marathon. Still believe I can get faster at the marathon- excited for 2015 and PR attempts.

Got to run a pretty course with two of my favorite running buddies, Nicole and Kelcey. One of my favorite races because of the company and look at that medal! Decide that running with friends makes everything way more fun!

Smoky Mountain Relay- Awesome ladies and an awesome adventure. The love/hate relationship with relays begins. They are so fun but so tiring....but mostly just a lot of fun!

Attempt at my first ultra 50k. A giant blister sidelines me at 25K...but still got a medal so whateves.

Decide to do another 50k. This one almost kills me (only slightly kidding). No more long distances in hot and humid conditions. Luckily my running best friends kept me going. A two month doctor forced hiatus and the possibility that running would be out of the question leaves me with a new appreciation for running and is a wake up call to be more picky about race conditions. (p.s. my heart is fine but slightly off so using common sense when deciding what and where to run is recommended).
D kicks butt in the Army basically all year, graduating from IBOLC, air assault and getting the heck out of TRADOC.

Said goodbye to Georgia. It was hard to leave such a fun and beautiful place. When I moved there I was a bit small minded about living in the South. And I totally loved it and would not mind one bit heading back there. 

Hello El Paso Texas. Moved to the desert yet again. Though I have not yet become a huge fan of the area it is growing on me (small minded again). More importantly I have met some amazing people and they make my life better!

Adventures to Colorado where I got to see the Chihuly exhibit and loved it. 

Relay number two- Wild West Relay. Super fun, super people and amazing scenery. Love relays even more after this.

Hood to Coast aka relay number three. A bucket list item gets crossed off, I meet some awesome people and start to feel a bit more like my old self and a runner again after taking two months off. 

Napa Valley Ragnar...relay number four!! I love every minute of this relay...except for the no medals at the finish part (still annoyed by that). Sea level = fast feet! 

Napa tour with my amazing in-laws. Wine, food and good company what more could you ask for. I love California...specifically the area that produces wine.....

New jobs as a personal trainer and working at the local running store as a run coach. Love running even more with coaching. 

Adventures to Savannah, Elephant Butte, San Antonio, and Albuquerque, to name a few, keep life exciting. 

Gain a sister at my brother's awesome Delaware wedding. 

Try something new and learn I actually do like snowboarding. Who knew?!?
 Thank you to everyone who reads my blog, keeps up with me on twitter, instagram, facebook, etc. Here is to many more adventures in 2015!!!

Happy New Year!!!


  1. So many relays!! Glad I got to meet you this year, and I hope I get to actually spend more time getting to know you whenever our paths cross again. Happy New Year!

    1. Glad I got to meet you too and hope we get to run together (like actually together- not in two separate vans) again soon! Hope you have a fantastic 2015 with many happy running miles!


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