Training Week: Sept 29- Oct 5

Last week's training turned up the intensity a bit. With two sessions focused on speed and the fact that I started working at the local running store, meaning hours on my feet, I was feeling a bit more tired and sore than usual.

Monday:  Evening run with my neighbor. Hot and uphill for the first mile and a half. 4 miles in 40 minutes.

Tuesday: Track workout. 400 X 8 with 400 rest. This workout seemed more difficult than it was. A bit warm and a bit solo. I for sure missed my track buddies in Georgia. A total of 4.2 miles. My goal is to keep at the track workouts to hopefully help me get some speed. Lifted.

Wednesday: Rest day. Half hour walk and Pilates.

Thursday: Tempo run on the treadmill. Warm-up and then 3 x 9:20 min. miles. Lifted.

Friday: 6 miles hills and trails. Pilates.

Saturday: 8 miles easy. Felt good.

Sunday: 3 easy miles. Sore and tired. Didn't really want to run but had running clothes on so went.

Total mileage: 29 miles


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