Fun Stuff

I am now working at the running store Up and Running and part of my job is running a new Couch to 5k program and heading up the training program for the El Paso Half Marathon in February. So what I am saying is I am getting paid to run......DREAMS COME TRUE!

 I am super excited to get new or returning runners excited about running and to train with some awesome people for the half.

I am also excited that Up and Running does stuff like this

There is an Up and Running team doing the Walk a Mile in Her Shoes to end rape, sexual assault and gender violence. Please visit here if you are interested in donating toward this great cause. 


  1. Ooo! That is a dream come true! Congrats!

  2. If you're getting paid to run then you're basically a professional runner, aren't you??

    Sounds perfect. I honestly can't think of anyone better for a couch - 5k programme. You'll kick arsee at it!


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