
On Saturday I passed the exam to become a NASM Certified Personal Trainer!

After almost 180 days of studying (okay there was a move to Texas in there and a significant number of non studying days) I am done.

And it feels good!

Now I just have to figure out how exactly I am going to use it. Meanwhile if you are in need of a personal trainer let me know!


  1. Congrats!!!! Do you plan to do one-on-one or teach classes? On your own or at a gym/home studio? :)

    1. Thanks! Thinking one on one on my own for now.

  2. Congrats! Just think of all the fun things you can do now that you wield the power of personal trainer!

    1. Thanks! The power to boss people around...;) too much power!

  3. So Proud Of You!! What A Mile Stone!! I Am Doing My Best Conan Right Now!! Cheers


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