When in Rome....

or when in Napa do what Napians do.....
After the Ragnar relay my lovely in-laws swung by the finish line, scooped me up and took me to Napa for a much needed shower, a good nights sleep and then the next day it was time for some wine tasting!!!

To avoid that whole drunk driving thing we went on a tour with Platypus Tours. 

Platypus Tours designs a tour including four tastings at wineries of their choice and a picnic lunch.

The first winery we went to was Whetstone and was by far my favorite. It was just so beautiful and the wines were amazing. 

 At each stop we were informed about the wine and the winery. It was fun to learn about the wineries and wine making but to be honest after the first tasting I was not much for paying attention. Cheap Date!

 Our tour guide was awesome. Here she is holding the cheese tray, our snack between wineries. She also made us a delicious lunch and made sure we stayed hydrated so we could make it to all four wineries.

Laird Winery

We were there during crush week, the time they pick and crush all the grapes to start the wine making process. Amazing amounts of grapes are crushed each year.

David Fulton Winery
 We got a good mix of smaller wineries and larger wineries. We also got to taste red and white wines.

The fun thing about the tour is it include people from the UK, Canada and Hong Kong and us Americans. It was such a fun time! I would for sure do it again. There are so many wineries in this area you could tour for years.

 The next day we continued the tour ourselves by checking out the castle winery and tasting some bubbly.

Overall I would say this is probably the best way to recover from any sort of running endeavor and would highly recommend it!


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