Colorado Things

Max and I have been hanging in Colorado in part because the D was away at training for a few weeks and in part cause Colorado is awesome and the Wild West Relay is happening this Friday!!! I like to think residing at a higher altitude for a few days will help the I can't breathe I am gonna die running up this mountain feeling. I am a dreamer. 

 I have only been on one run here for a little under four miles but it felt good but was slow due to hills, altitude, and my need to take a picture every 50 feet. I was going to go this morning but it was raining so maybe....this afternoon....or maybe on Friday when the relay starts;).
 Instead I have been very busy going to the Denver Botanical Gardens to see the Chihuly blown glass exhibit and then ended up at the Tattered Cover Bookstore where I couldn't resist.

 I also hit up the the Parker farmers market where I saw the best sign ever and obtained the best tasting gluten free lemon crumb muffins. I had to, one must carb load for the relay.

I have also been able to hang with Stacey- Team Bear Bait's awesome captain and organizer and my friend from high school. We got together for some eats and strategic relay planning and got the chance to hike very carefully yesterday - no falling off cliffs or twisting ankles this close to the relay. It has been super fun to catch up and I can't wait to tackle the Wild West Relay with her, her husband and all the other Bear Bait amigos! For anyone interested in Team Bear Bait and our progress throughout the relay I will try to update the blog's facebook page, instagram and twitter. Follow along with the excitement!


  1. I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one with photo issues while running. I swear my times would be much faster if I'd leave the dumb camera at home....but I just can't bring myself to do it.

    1. No please don't leave your camera at home! Slower times seem a small price to pay considering all the amazing photos you have taken! Plus good excuse for a walk break;)


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