Favorite things & this week in training

This was my last weekend of being able to go to the Saturday market here in Columbus. Luckily I found this little beauty. He makes me so happy. Can't wait to put some flowers in him.

 The best thing after a long run in the heat and humidity. So amazing!

If you see this at the store, purchase and enjoy. It is so delicious!

Last week I ran 52 miles. That is a lot for me lately and I can feel it. Luckily it is taper time because Saturday I am running the Rockin Choccolocco 50k. It is gonna be hot and sweaty and super fun because I am going with running friends! 50K round two here we go!

Monday- 4 easy miles in 38:25. Pretty fast for lately.
Tuesday- 6 miles of intervals on the track./ lifted weights
Wednesday- 5 miles easy/ Pilates
Thursday- 4 miles easy
Friday- 20 miles with Kelcey to prep for the 50K
Saturday- lifted weights
Sunday- 13.1 miles with Amanda to prep for her half/ yoga

Favorite quotes of this week:
"May your compression gear go on smoothly."- Kelcey, after 20 miles of long, hot and sweaty miles. Can't wait to tackle the 50K together!

"I am just out here to be the best runner I can be." - Amanda, during her amazing 13.1 miles (personal distance record for the win!) I am so proud of Amanda she has become a kick ass runner in a short amount of time and is about to tackle her first half. It has been really fun to see her progress and get stronger.

This coming week will be my last week here in Georgia and it is a weird mix of excitement and stress of going to a new place and sadness about leaving this place and all the awesome people I have gotten to know. Army life is so special....


  1. I can't believe you've only got a week left -you seem to be handling it so well, I'd be totally stressed out. Hope you get to enjoy your final week there x

    1. I am stressed for sure, but we are very practiced at this. I am sad to leave but excited to go. In a glass case of emotion. Getting to run with great people helps!;)


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