Out and About and last week's training

For anyone interested Kena completed her 260 mile run across Georgia on Saturday evening. First female and fourth overall.
She is freakin amazing! Way to go Kena!!!!

This weekend my mom and stepdad came to visit so we explored the area. 

A little antiquing in Pine Mountain and a visit to FDR's Little White House in Warm Springs one day.

 Infantry museum and a base tour the next.

A trip to Andersonville, a confederate military prison, was the perfect way to spend Memorial Day. The cemetery located there is still an operating National Cemetery and there were quite a few people out visiting. It was a good reminder to be thankful for everything that I have and recognize the sacrifice of so many others.

With all the excitement of running with Kena and family visiting I managed to get 39 miles of running in last week. 30 of those were with Kena running through the night Wednesday into Thursday. Monday I managed to get 4 miles of hills in and some weight training. Tuesday I got an hour of Pilates in and Saturday I got 5 miles of running in. I am hopeful this week I will get two sessions of weights and two of Pilates done. I'm gonna do it, I swear. 


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