Change is a coming!

Exciting news!

I am working towards getting certified as a personal trainer! I am very excited to start this new adventure. I have been considering what to do job wise since the husband and I are going to be pretty mobile the next few years and I would like something that has flexible hours since D's schedule can be kinda crazy. Plus I love fitness......okay I really love running, but I like other fitness stuff too. The idea of helping people achieve their goals is really exciting! 

Other exciting news.....and not so exciting news.... in the next few weeks we will be moving to Texas. A week ago I thought we would be here longer than I originally thought now we are leaving earlier. Such is life in the Army I guess. I am excited for the new adventure. We are moving to the El Paso area so hello excellent Mexican food, mountains and drier air and hopefully more exciting running adventures. But I am also very, very sad to have to say goodbye to such awesome people.

These people have made my life a million times more fun and exciting and I am forever thankful that I had the opportunity to meet and get to know them! They will be greatly missed but they are also kinda stuck with me for life. Soooooo jokes on them!


  1. That is excited you are studying to be NASM certified! Good luck!

    Such a bummer about leaving your friends! But! You will make news ones and it's so much easier to keep in touch with people now. They ARE stuck with you, muah ha ha!

    1. Thank you! I am grateful that it is so easy. These people are just too fun to not keep in touch with!

  2. You can't give us all this news in one post as I don't know whether to be excited for you (yay personal trainer, you'll be amazing) or sad for you (boo, moving). I've never been to Texas though...starts googling air fares.

  3. Have just googled El Paso. You're moving to Mexico, basically!

    1. I know! Crazy. I am sure there will be lots of adventures to be had! Direct flights from SF?

  4. Noooooooo, the second part of your news is crappy! I'm about to call the army to let them know that is not allowed. Ok, not really, but I want to. But the first part of your news is awesome. You will make a great personal trainer!

  5. I'm kinda jealous of all your moving around because that opens up so many race opportunities for you. And although I'm not jealous of actually running those races but just collecting the bling!! :-)


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