I'm Famous...and broken

Exciting news! I was interviewed by the Lifestyle Accountability Show about healthy living. To hear what I have to say or if you have ever wondered what I sound like...go check it out ! There are many awesome podcasts interviewing all kinds of healthy living people...including people who actually know what they are talking about so check out the site!

In other news I have hurt my foot and have not run since Wednesday.....
and it is really starting to make me mad and frustrated. Just freakin feel better foot. I ran 100s of miles to get ready for the marathon. Go out for seven miles and bam this happens. I am not amused. But on the upside it finally motivated me to go get a massage. And it was the best massage of my life!!! If you are in the Columbus area and need a massage go see Marlena. She is at Elements. Trust me you will feel a million times better about life. Instead of running I have been doing pilates, lifting weights and doing yoga so at least I have not thrown in the towel completely....though I have caught up on a lot of TV...not gonna lie. Regardless of how the foot feels (it does feel significantly better after resting the last few days) I have a St. Paddy's day 5k tomorrow! Super excited to wear green and pace my friend to hopefully a brand new shiny PR. Ain't nobody got time for injury....to much running fun to be had!


  1. Aww man! I hope your foot is feeling better and that you had fun at the 5K! :)


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