Two Days

...until the Albany marathon. Whaaatttt. I am so excited. I thought I would be more nervous. Maybe that will come later....and I always get a bit nervous the morning of. I think the fact that I have seen a lot of progress this training cycle in my speed and strength gives me confidence that I can go out there and run strong.

A Goal: Finish time of 4:20 or less. Just to put that in perspective that will be almost a 25 minute PR from my last marathon. This goal is ambitious and I feel ready to run hard and give it my best.

B Goal: Under 4:44. That would still be a PR so still exciting.

C Goal: Just to finish. The marathon distance is hard for me. I never quite know how it is going to go. 26 miles is a long time to stay focused and execute a race plan. I feel every time I cross the finish at the marathon it is a big achievement.

It is funny the last few marathons I have run I have really enjoyed the training cycle. I feel like I have gotten stronger and become a bit faster every time. I have also learned that I am in more control of training than I am on race day. I try to give it my all in training because I never know how race day will go. Hot, cold, raining, injury, course issues. None of that I can control and you just gotta let it go but I can try and show up as prepared as possible. This time I feel prepared to crush it! Everyone cross your fingers and send a prayer up to the running gods. It is PR time!

In other news:
Good Girls Gone Trail has been doing some serious planning for the Smoky Mountain Relay
 True story- getting 8 runners through 212.5 miles takes some serious thought about logistics. But every time I meet with these awesome ladies I get more and more excited to spend 30+ hours cramped in a van with them. We have gotten some great support too!
Big Dog Running Company is providing us with equipment and monetary support to ensure we have everything we need to be a successful relay team!

And Asics

is providing us running apparel  for the relay! We are very grateful for the support and can't wait to represent both companies out on the course!!!


  1. I am so excited for your race! You have put in some awesome training and are ready to kick BOOTAY! :) Have fun!

  2. You guys got cool swag from the relay! :) Have fun! :) Update us! :)

  3. I am really excited about Albany for you - just run the best you can, you can't ask any more than that. But I'm fairly confident a PR of some scale is on the cards...yippeeeeee


  4. I love your attitude, I'm totally excited for you to "crush it" at the marathon, too!!!


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