Suddora for the sweaty win!

Taking a short break from the overload of awesomeness that is the profiles of the team Good Girls Gone Trail to share my deep dark secret.....
....I excel at sweating. Okay that isn't very much of a secret. 
Paul over at Suddora Sweatbands emailed me after he noticed my chronic sweaty situation to ask if I would be interested in trying out his sweatbands. Being willing to try anything that will help with the sweating produced by all this running I of course said yes. He was nice enough to send my two favorite colors.

I was skeptical when they first arrived I was a bit skeptical as they reminded me of a rockin 80s workout video at first glance.

But when I put them on they are kind of like pure magic. They are soft, work well and wash up well. The wash part is particularly important as they do a superb job at absorbing sweat.
I wore the headband and the wrist bands on my 22 mile sweat fest where I overdressed and sweated through a shirt and a jacket. The sweatband worked really well at keeping the sweat I was pouring out of my eyes. The other thing it worked well at doing is being an ear warmer. When I started the run it was very cold out and the sweatband was awesome at keeping my ears warm until it warmed up and then it switched over to awesome sweat catcher.

 I was kind of at a loss at first on what to do with the wrist bands but they worked great as a tissue (oh you all know your nose runs too when it is cold out) and then worked great at wiping my brow as the cold turned to warm.

After a nice wash, I pulled them out for a treadmill run. Running on the treadmill in the warm basement produces some awesome sweating. These wrist bands are the bomb at the brow wipe as well as the sweat running down the arm absorber.

Overall I am a big fan. Check out their website for the variety of colors and other products they offer. They are very reasonably priced and come in lots of fun colors. They also have great customer service and ship your items pronto.

Thanks Paul and Suddora for allowing me to review your great product!


  1. Oh, I wonder if Paul would like us to model and promote his sweat bands on our relay run? I could see that in our future!!

  2. I've been thinking about wearing wrist bands when I run to help get the sweat that drips beyond my headband. My headband does a really good job but if it's a humid out, I need more help and the back of my hand wet with sweat doesn't help! LOL

  3. Hahahha love the aerobics photo :)


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