Motivation and Mercedes

Ugh the last two weeks I have lacked motivation. I got some miles in yes but less than I have been. Part of this is due to tapering. The Albany marathon is coming up. The hard work is pretty much in the bag. Time to rest and recover and be ready to fly on race day (okay my version of fly). But more than less miles on the schedule I have just not been that interested in running. I am less rainbows and butterflies and yay running and more like hhhhhhhhhhhhhhh guess I better run. I don't know if it has been the cold and rain and dark that have in part prevented me from running (because sometimes I like to pretend I don't have a treadmill and therefore can not run if the weather is bad...don't judge me) and made running less than enjoyable or if it is just burn out from training hard but I have pretty much given running the bird for the last two weeks. But today that changed, perfect running weather and sunshine and 10 miles later it all seemed a little bit better.

Plus Sunday is this
and I am running it with this crazy runner!

I am sure 13.1 miles, a medal and some running fun and I will be back to loving running. It has been awhile since I have done a big race so I am excited to go somewhere new and hang with a bunch of other crazy runners and have some run fun!

Goals for the Mercedes:
Have fun and get a medal. I don't really care about time. I want to run strong but not over do it. Albany is the main goal for a PR. Plus the course is hilly and we all know how I feel about hills. ....

so you know that should be interesting.

Happy Valentine's Day!!!!


  1. Hooray for finding some motivation! It's really hard when you can't motivation to do something that you generally really love doing, like running. I hope that finishing your half marathon will help you stay motivated and that you have a great time at the race!


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