Graduation Day!

We interrupt the constant chatter about running to talk about Army life!
Yesterday D graduated from Infantry Officer Basic Leadership Course or IBOLC. Yayyyyyy D! It was pretty exciting. And not only because I actually got out of workout clothes. I also got to see some of my favorite people and I am super proud of D and all that he has accomplished!
One of my favs! Amanda, who has become a total run nerd with me and I could not be happier about that!

Look at this handsome guy in uniform! Not sure why I refused to take of my jacket but red coat for the win.
More of my favorite ladies!
Before the actual graduation ceremony there is the blue cord ceremony. Infantry soldiers wear a blue cord on their dress uniform and I got to put D's on his. So fancy.

Then the wives who participated in the Earn Your Blue program (walk or run 56 miles during the guys time in IBOLC which is the same amount of mileage they do in total of ruck marches) had their own little ceremony and got blue cord bracelets that the husbands/ boyfriends put on us. Love! 

Then it was on to the actual graduation ceremony. 

There was a lot of talking about being a good leader and how to do the job...

and then it was certificate? Diploma? I don't know- Important people hand you a graduation document time.

There was over 100 people graduating so it took awhile....not all of us made it to the very end of the ceremony.

After the ceremony was over and hands were shook and congrats given D and I took off to celebrate. After a quick change out of uniform we hit a restaurant for late lunch/ early dinner.
I ordered a Texas beach.....
Everything is bigger in Texas apparently....even when you are not in Texas
 Few sips in I was good to go! I think I celebrated more than D...kind of by accident. Sorry D.

Super proud of D! One step down towards being done with training. As everyone who has been in the military knows TRADOC is a big fat no fun zone. 

Congrats D on being awesome!!!


  1. Congrats to D. And congrats to you on earning your cord bracelet!

  2. Sedona was the perfect destination for my graduation trip. The stunning red rock formations and vibrant arts scene made it a truly memorable experience. I highly recommend visiting Sedona for anyone looking for a unique and picturesque getaway.


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