Christmas Fun

 Christmas eve we made homemade pizza and hot chocolate with the fancy marshmallows. Fancy marshmallows make everything better.

After a day of Christmas movies and eating it was early to bed so we could get up early and open presents!!!

I love to make French Toast with this type of bread for Christmas morning. It reminds me of my mother-in-law who made it for us one time when we were with them over the holidays. And it is so delicious. You know what would go better with this dessert tasting bread- syrup! Breakfast on Christmas done right.

 But you have to open presents first. None of this waiting around. Max got to open his first and was very excited to get a new green dog toy.

I made out like a bandit. My BF Maren got me this pancake ornament. Love! She fully supports my love of the breakfast foods.

Plus I got sweet smelling lotions and lip stuff and a food processor and cast iron dutch oven (I feel these are gifts for me as well as D who will likely benefit from their use) and some sweet jewelry and other stuff and we are totally spoiled.

 I also got a new Samsung galaxy s4 mini phone which is awesome but seems to be having trouble getting text messages. So if you send me one and I don't respond call. I will try and figure it all out.

After presents and face stuffing I went for a 12 mile run. But my ankle was still a bit stiff from tripping and falling on Tuesday. I didn't realize it at first until sitting through like three movies and then getting up and trying to move on Tuesday. So some ice and stretching for the next few movies and it felt better. Well good enough to run 12 miles but then somewhere along the way I was like maybe you should just rest it.

So today instead of running we went hiking to Providence canyon. It was a little over three miles of adventure through the canyon.

Up next: More rest from running and Christmas Adventures in Atlanta! My guess these adventures will include food.


  1. I am so gutted...we literally just finished our pannetone and I never got to make french toast from it. Genius idea.

    Glad you had such a good Christmas x

  2. Merry Christmas!!!! The pictures of the canyon are gorg!!!


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