Vaca Veteran's Day

Friday I fit in a 35 minute tempo run before we hit lunch and then the open road for Florida. Tried out my new Brooks Pure Cadence and liked them a lot!

 After burning some calories we headed to lunch so I could replenish them. We stopped by Country's BBQ right by where we live.

I had my eye on one thing and one thing only- banana pudding. It was amazing. I will be going back just for that. I think I am in love.
 After we fueled for the car ride we headed to Destin for a long weekend. Along the way we stopped for gas and saw this at the gas station.

I was so sad that I didn't see any gators on the way there or on the way back I had to console myself with more banana.
 In Destin we stayed at the MWR resort. The Morale, Welfare and Recreation is a big perk of being in the military. There are military hotels around the world where service members can stay for a reasonable price. We got a nice room with a kitchenette, living room and bedroom with a king size bed that was pet friendly so Max could come along.

 This was the view right outside our room!
 Not bad, not bad at all. 
 Though the weather never got above 76 degrees while we were there there was still a tropical feel to the place. This vacation can be summarized as eat all the things, drink all the drinks.

 One fun area is the Harbor walk. We missed the BBQ festival they had there but it was still fun to wander and drink and try not to fall in the water.

 Weirdly drinking all the drinks does not result in a great feeling when it comes to running but I did manage to get a run in with D and Max on Sunday morning for three miles and this morning for 3 miles with Max all under a 10 minute pace. I don't want to get excited but I might be getting faster.

Overall it was a fantastic weekend! I love going on vacation. It is so fun to explore a new place. And of course the obligatory beach pictures

Can't beat that white sand.

Hope you all had a wonderful weekend!
A big thank you to all the Veteran's!Those who have served, those who I have served with, those who continue to serve and those who will serve. People who serve are a special breed and I have much love and admiration for all that you have done and continue to do!


  1. I love all your photos and am so glad there are places that give special treatment to our military - they more than deserve it.

  2. Those new shoes are fantastic - really like them! Glad you had/are having such a great trip!


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