Training & Favorite Stuff

Last week's training:
 Monday- Run in Destin Florida along the water = awesome.
Tuesday- 6 a.m. body pump and couch to 5K run of about three miles
Wednesday- 6 a.m. run with Big Dog Peeps to try Brooks stuff for 4 miles.
Thursday - Couch to 5K for about two miles and blatant ignoring of body pump
Friday- Rest day
Saturday- 5.5 fast miles at the Big Dog pancake run
Sunday- 75 minute run for 7.7 miles.

Total miles around 24. Cross training not great. Overall I feel like I am getting a bit faster and have been pushing it on a lot of runs. I can feel it in my legs since they are a bit sore and my abs and arms are in constant pain from body pump. Maybe that will stop one day.

On to the randomness.

I bought this sign the other day. Love it. Makes me happy every time I see it.

Found these tortillas at Sam's and they crack me up. XTREME Wellness. So much healthy wrapped in a tortilla.

Holiday baking time. So excited. Fancy marshmallows make me happy. 

Found this at Sam's. Bought it Friday and it is long gone. So good.

Most brilliant idea of the week: peppermint marshmallows and peppermint mocha creamer in coffee. 

 We are trying new things in this house. First up is persimmons. Weird but good.


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