....the failure continues and panic sets in

Okay so that might be a bit harsh. But I did fail to get my butt to Pilates this morning. But in defense of my laziness I had to be at the hospital for lab work at 8 a.m. this morning (physicals are fun...). Then I was faced with a very tricky choice. Starbucks and baby drumstick (and just to clear up any confusion, drumstick is his nickname because he was supposed to be due on Thanksgiving, he has a nice normal name but he will always be lil' drumstick to me) holding or the gym.

Well you can see what won. I will totally trade working out for cuddling with this little guy any time. It is now late afternoon and no working out has been done. Eh. I know if I don't get it done in the morning it is most likely not going to happen unless someone else is expecting me to workout with them.

 I like to think I am resting up for the 5k on Saturday. Yes resting. I realized this morning that the marathon is March 1st. I knew it was March 1st but today I realized it is MARCH 1ST or 13 weeks and it is time to get training. So break over, starting Monday it is back to work. Bring on the distance, bring on the pain.


  1. Babies always win! Pilates will be there later.

  2. Awe, he's precious - I would have skipped pilates for him, too!! And...my marathon is March 1st so thanks for the freakout moment that it's in 13 weeks. OMG, and you said "Bring on the pain". So.not.looking.forward.to.this!


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