Future Marathon Goal

I have been trying to figure out what I want to do next. I signed up for the Publix Atlanta Marathon at the end of March. But that race is hilly. HILLY. So after talking to my friend Buddy about wanting to PR again in the marathon he suggested the Albany marathon which a flat and fast course in the beginning of March. This would let me try to PR and still run the Atlanta one for fun.

And then words like track workouts and tempo runs started coming out of his mouth. Basically he is ready for us to train hard and kill it. I can get behind that.

So I made it official and wrote it down on our Live Big Challenge board at work. You know when you write it down it becomes real. And I might have put I want to finish around 4:20 or less.......so I might have got a little excited and ambitious. But we are going to go for it. Dream big! I can do hard things (and any other mottos that may assist as needed).

So March 1st is go time. Albany we are coming for you.

My new theme song just became

You better work b*tch


  1. Awesome! A flat course sounds perfect for a PR. Have fun training! :)

    1. Thanks! I am a bit nervous that I am getting a bit big for my britches. But we will see ;).

  2. Can I just say, in case I haven't already said, in which case I would be surprised I haven't said it but...I am so jealous you work at a running store. Not because I want stinky feet in my face but because I would love to be around so many great runners and SUCK in their knowledge and experience. Ahh...I envy you!!! And I know you're gonna meet your goal - because you're awesome!

    1. It is super fun and awesome. I love it! And you are awesome! I can't wait to see how the Phoenix marathon goes for you!


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