Work it

This week I did some pretty awesome cross training and even survived the body pump class. 

Monday: Pilates- super love this new exercise. My core loves it less but I think this will for sure make me a stronger runner.

Tuesday: Birthday fun recovery. When you go out on a Monday night and that night involves a lot of free shots due to birthday celebrating there is a pretty good chance that you are not going to the 6a.m. body pump class. Just FYI. Max and I did manage to walk a few miles though.

Wednesday: Body pump and yoga. Two classes back to back. Yoga was a bit tricky since my arms were dead from body pump and we were doing a lot of arm work in yoga. Pretty much super awkward shaking going on the entire time. Body pump is fun and hard and makes my arms so sad so I should for sure keep going.

Thursday: Pilates again.

Friday: Three mile walk with my favorite four legged friend. 
 This week concluded the end of my two week running break so on Monday it is back to pounding the pavements with less mileage and  more intensity.

More pics from Chicago taken by my mom aka cheer captain! I kinda super loved that marathon!


  1. Pilates is awesome. I've only ever done it via a video I have but damn, it tightens up my abs like a boss!!!

  2. Yoga and pilates in one week! That is impressive!


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