Chicago Marathon Part 1

The Chicago Marathon was amazing. Too amazing for one post so we got to break up the awesomeness into two parts. Friday I landed at O'hare 

with enough time to grab this
 and wait for my mom's (aka cheer squad) plane. After we were picked up by Christine, my mom's cousin, scooped us up from the airport we headed to a wonderful Syrian dinner at my great aunt and uncle's house. The next morning we headed to the expo aka runner's paradise.

And it was amazing! So many vendors and running stuff and samples and shoes and it was like rainbows and unicorns everywhere. Packet pick-up was a breeze- well organized. Guess you have to be with 40,000 people in attendance.
 The expo is huge. Probably better to head there Friday or early Saturday, by the time we left it was packed and people just kept coming.
 There was a giant wall you could write on or have people wish you well. There was tons of freebies and if you had forgotten to bring anything for the race you could get it at the expo.

After the expo we headed to lunch- to begin the carb loading. 

After lunch we got to see Christine's art studio- she is an artist- oh wait is that obvious. 
 Then we went on a drive by tour of Franklin Lloyd Wright homes in the Oak Park area.

 Once home it was time to admire all the loot. I bought a beer glass.
 My mom got me this sweet hardware. Guess I run marathons now.

So much stuff

Then it was time to eat again! Yay!

After stuffing my face it was early to bed. I had a marathon to run


  1. Sounds like fun pre-race times! And, you look fabulous!

  2. Wow, they really stuffed that bag full of goodies! Love the shirts too!

  3. I love expo's but sometimes I just wanna get in and out. I love the chaos though. Is that weird?


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