Date Night

8 miles Monday and run group today. I found out there is a group doing 22 miles on Saturday. I think I might join them for my last long run before Half Moon Beach.   Getting super excited for the marathon!!

D and I had to venture on base to turn in paperwork for our move yesterday. Fun military fact- the Army pays you to move. Less fun fact- the transportation office where you must turn in paperwork will make you want to die just so you can get out of there. I don't know what it is but regardless of base that office is always the worst. 

After we got out of there we decided to make it a military date night.
First stop- supplies. We just wandered around and all was fine until I started demanding we pick our next assignment based on the cuteness of the unit insignia. "I want the base where you can wear the cute dragon".  Apparently it does not work that way and we really don't have a say. 

Next stop pizza and a movie. I wanted Swedish fish but D got me the closest thing they had. 
 You know just carb loading for run group. We saw Elysium. I was pretty good. Another fun military fact if you go to the movie theatre on post they play the national anthem before the previews.

Over a pretty fun Monday. Except for  transport office= death.

Today we put furniture together
3 hours later we had a dresser. Good lord Ikea sometimes the million parts are just too much too handle.


  1. Oo! Where is the after pic?

    That is cool they play the National Anthem before!

    I was entertained by Elysium. Did you see the other one by that director - District 9?


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