Back Pain Returnith

Monday Max and I headed out for our daily morning river walk
All was fine and dandy until I carried a ton of groceries up two flights of stairs and then bam back pain flair up full force. Apparently I have strained my left back muscle big time. So big that yesterday I had to figure out if I was really going to be able to fly let alone run. With the help of D, massages and a ton of icing today it is a hundred times better. So all systems are a go for super awesome fun time. Not sure if I am running or not, marathon or half or just going to be the best spectator ever. We will see how the back feels. But I am raced packed
I am hoping that laying out the race day outfit including what I might want to wear post run will help ensure I am race day ready no matter what happens.

Also packed this 
Hoping to meet Bart at the expo!

Even with the back acting dumb,still super excited!

3 days and a wake up!


  1. SO glad you're still coming! Phew. Want me to find you a chiropractor or something round here?

  2. AHH! You poor thing! That silly back! I hope it cooperates so you have a great trip!

  3. I think it's much better to consult a doctor for your back pain. Sometimes, self-medication is not enough; it only provides temporary relief, and that's not what you need. Have you heard of alternative treatment, by the way?


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