A Good Day

Back update: It is feeling better but not 100%. Lots of icing and resting and it is driving me crazy especially so close to marathon time. I feel like Half Moon Bay is going to be extra special. Not only do I get to hang with this awesome runner and her super cute family but it will be a celebration of overcoming injuries.

Since I have lots of energy since I am not running/ been hardly moving I decided to have an adventure day and explore around Columbus. First stop was Barnes and Noble. On my 22 mile run I talked with a runner about this magazine

I had never heard of it before and can't wait to check it out. I found it in the sports section of the magazine racks. You can also order it online- 6 issues a year. I also grabbed this one

I have never read it before and am thinking more trail running is something I would like to do in the future. 

On the way home I stopped by Planet Pop to get some artisan popsicles...yeah seems kinda weird to me too but they are delicious. 

When I got home I checked the mail and this was in it!

Race number and shirt for the marathon! I had forgotten that I asked it to be mailed to keep me motivated. I was excited before, now I have reached level- annoyingly excited!
 Marathon! Marathon! Marathon!


  1. This awesome runner is VERY excited about you coming to stay! Heal, back, heal!

  2. I have NEVER seen a bib and shirt mailed. Wow. That really takes a lot of stress out of race day. Jealous! Glad you're feeling better - happy the chiro helped!

  3. Aww, fun that they came in the mail!

    Two friends have recently loaned me their copies of those mags! I am liking both of them! Marathon & Beyond feels more like a novel - it's very interesting!

  4. Random trivia: Marathon & Beyond is published in my hometown and the chief publisher was one of mentors for my beginning women's running group back in 2007. She's also one of the race directors for the Illinois Marathon!

    Caramel popsicles sound amazing.

    Really looking forward to hearing all about your marathon!!!

    1. That is so cool! I am really enjoying Marathon & Beyond. A very different style from magazine's like Runner's World.


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