A Dress Rehearsal in 22 Miles

Yesterday I ran 22 miles. 

It went really well and was a huge confidence booster. I used it as a sort of dress rehersal for the marathon- wearing the outfit I want to wear, the shoes, trying to fuel the way I am going to fuel.  I ran with a great group of people (hello running in groups is 100% more fun for long runs then running alone- I should have been running in groups sooner). The woman in charge had stashed coolers along the route with water and had her daughter bike around with a magical backpack full of fuel and water. They are my new favorite people. I got to run through areas I had not been through before so that was awesome. I met lots of new people and got to chat with them about races and running= so much fun! I also tried my new favorite thing
If you have not tried these go buy one in vanilla flavor right now. It is magic. I am going to buy a case of them for the marathon and then try not to eat them until I am actually running the marathon. I was excited before for Half Moon Bay but now I am like 110% more excited if that is even possible. Plus Cathryn keeps putting photos of the area on her blog and that is not helping me stay calm. It is just so pretty there! It is going to be a great run!

The only down side was about mile 2 I tweaked my back somehow. I made a quick decision to just push through the pain and get the run in 1)because I felt I needed these miles to calm the worry in my mind about being able to do it, and 2) I didn't know where the heck I was, it was still dark and I really wanted to just keep going.

Now I look like Sheldon

I can't really move- no toe touches, not twisting, no deep breathing, it hurts to put my head down basically my posture has never been better- and no sudden movements. I don't even know what I did or how it happened because I have never done this before. I think a little icing and heat and resting and it will be fine. The only thing I can think of was that my hydration pack was heavier than usual because I brought more water than usual. So maybe the added weight and a weird movement and bam strained something...? On the bright side if I can run 22 miles with back pain then I should have no trouble running 26 pain free......right?

The rest of the day was spent eating

 and laying on ice packs.

And I am now an official member of the Columbus Roadrunners! Whoop....not sure what this means except that I get discounts at local businesses and a newsletter. 

How was your weekend? Any long runs to share?


  1. You're gonna kill it! I'm getting super curious about running groups now-- everyone raves about them and it does seem like they'll make long runs easier!

    1. Run groups are great. Make the time and miles pass quicker and help you get through the tough miles- you should for sure try one!

  2. Chiropractor might help you feel better sooner than later! Just a thought. Awesome job banging out 22 miles. I'm jealous of your running club. I tried one here but absolutely everyone in the group was way faster than me and I ended up running alone!

    1. It helps to have people who are around your pace so you don't feel abandoned. Chiropractor did help- thanks for the suggestion!

  3. I hope your back clears up! Maybe call a chiro or get a quick injury screening for PT if it doesn't clear up??

    1. It is on the mend after a chiro visit so hope to be up and running soon!

  4. What a fun group! I love hearing about that and knowing that you found some great people to run with!

    I have heard lots of people say they love Honey Stinger Waffles! I should see if they are vegan! :)

    Ugh! I am sorry about your back! I hope it gets better. I had to stop using my hydration belt because it hurt my lower back. Did you have on a belt or backpack?

    1. Backpack that was heavier than usual is probably what did it. I am buying a case of those waffle things- not even joking!:)

  5. Yay for a fun running group! And, amazing job on 22 miles with an injured back!

    1. Thank you- hopefully means running pain free will make it a breeze right...;)

  6. Cracking long run - you'll be fine at HMB, it must have been a real confidence booster. Glad the back is mending. (This comment is so late).


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