$19 Cure

I woke up this morning and my back still felt like someone did this to me
It is football season right?
Many of you suggested I go see a chiropractor and I thought - eh what the heck, let's give it a go. So I went straight to the interwebs to find one. Found one who does military and military families right off base for the bargain price of $19 (with good reviews and a legitimate office. It wasn't some guy working out of his van on the side of the road or anything).

 Magic, pure magic. I am not 100% cured and will probably not be running at all the next few days but I feel better. With a recommendation to return in a few days and orders to ice every hour I should be better soon. I have never been to the chiropractor but it seems to be offering me some relief.

Kim mentioned (amazing blogger and runner-go check her out) that her fuel belt hurt her back and that got me thinking that the reason I probably hurt my back is because I had filled my hydration pack up all the way due to the many miles which I had never done before. It was a bit heavier than I am used to and that may have done the trick. Or maybe it was the weight lifting, yoga, other miles run that week, or the weird cough/sneeze thing I had done a half hour earlier...with the back it is hard to tell.

Back pain or no back pain it is taper time anyway so if you need me I will be using tapering as an excuse to stuff my face and nap a lot.

How do you taper?


  1. I always hear of the magical powers of the chiropractor, but I've never been to one. Glad your back is better! Backs can be pesky ... I hurt mine once picking up laundry. I now see this as a reason to not do laundry.

  2. Yay! I am happy it helped the pain you have now, and at such a low price!

    Aww, thanks for the shoutout and kind words! You made my day :)

    It took me awhile to get used to more weight in my backpack when I run! I feel like it helps balance me out a bit though. Then it's weird at the end of the run when most of the water is gone, lol!

    What are you going to use for the race, for water?


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