Hard Partying Lifestyle

Somebody hand me a nap and some chocolate...and then another nap. Monday I moved to Columbus, GA. Tuesday through Thursday I unpacked and organized our new place and made all of this

plus chocolate chip cookies for my husband and a few of his friends who finally had the weekend off after many weeks of training in the hot and humid GA summer and wanted real food for a change. All while still working part time long distance.

Yesterday I drove down to Atlanta to hop a flight to Minneapolis to celebrate my friend's wedding.

I was in Minnesota for a total of 16 hours. A totally awesome 16 hours. It was such a fun time and so special to get to see these two love birds make it legal. Four of those hours were spent dancing awkwardly because that is what I do. So sorry wedding guests for seeing that situation. Oh and I ate a lot of cake. And it was fantastic.

Flight home was at 5:19 a.m.this morning- this is what the airport looks like
Security was a breeze. 

I was back home by noon today too caffeinated to nap so instead I organized some more and hung out until I demanded the husband take me to dinner where we had fried pickles and fish tacos. Southern states I like your willingness to fry anything and everything.

Luckily we  walked to dinner and walked home and then have to walk the dog-trying to balance the fried deliciousness with physical activity.

This week has been lots of fun but I am looking forward to less activity next week- just the in-laws coming to visit, a formal (aka adult prom) and D's graduation. Never mind my statement about less activity. Maybe the week after next......

The good news in I have done two runs and so far so good. Kind of feels like I live in a sweaty armpit (80 degrees and 93% humidity) but at least I get to run in that sweaty armpit. The bad news in a banged the crap out of my left shin-dark bruise and painful to the touch and I don't even remember doing it. Come on me get it together.

What are your feelings on fried pickles?
I am a fan- salty and delicious
What was the last wedding you attended?
My best friends!!! Congrats you guys! I am so happy for you!


  1. Booya! I like your style. You really know how to throw down on the dance floor! :) Thanks for making your 16 hours in Minnesota count, we're so glad you came!

    Maren and Doug

    1. I had such a great time! party of the year!

  2. I LOVE fried pickles. I love pickles in any form (as long as they're not sweet). Welcome to the South!

    1. Thank you! So maybe a race in Florida at some point.....eh, eh.


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