Adventures on Fort Benning / In Columbus

The best thing about this past weekend (besides seeing D who I have not seen in three months) was to have him show me around base and tell me what he has been up to. This is also the location where he went to Airborne school some moons ago.

Jump towers- no longer in use due to high rate of injury I believe. Now they just push you out of a plane. Kidding- sort of.

Just jump out of this perfectly good airplane- no biggie

 Fort Benning is a huge base with a ton of history and lots of neat historical buildings and landmarks. I am excited to check it out further in the future.

More pics from our awesome loft we rented:
Front entrance

Hallway with original ladders used in the mill

Kitchen and living area

Hallway to our front door

Rafters on the river right outside our building

Only five days of cross training, and three days of moving and I will be in my new home. Oh and five days of working. Don't forget about that.


  1. So jealous of your loft!! Old buildings like that are so cool.


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