Foxtrot 5k Race Review

When my coworker asked if I would be interested in running the Foxtrot 5K with her I was helpless to resist since my motto is:

I am still in post marathon recovery so I had no goals but to just enjoy being out with other crazy runners and exploring a new area. This race is put on by the City of Elgin and also has a 10 mile race. It is a very well put together event and a lot of fun. The area is hilly but the course seemed fast even with the hills. I couldn't even wear my Garmin since when I went to put it on it was dead. I think that worked out great because then I could just run without caring about how fast or slow I was going which tends to happen when I know how fast or slow I am going. Usually it is too, either too fast or too slow. Information free running is kind of fantastic.

 The weather was perfect. Not too hot or too cold with a slight breeze. My coworker worked for the City of Elgin for many years so she knew everyone. I got to meet the Mayor, Council members and employees.

 I had planned to try to stick with my coworker. That worked for about the first mile (an estimated 10:20 I still had a regular watch on...I can't help myself). But a little after the first mile I lost her. Since we had made a back-up plan to meet up at the beer tent if separated I decided to turn on my music and try to pass people until I got to the end. Taking it easier the first mile made the last two really fun. I passed people up until the finish even on hills which you all know are not my favorite. I ended up finishing in 28:28. Not bad for hills and no race plans.

 After I crossed the finish line I felt a little strange. A little bit "is that it". I am so used to longer races that it feels weird to be done so soon. Weird in an awesome I have energy left and am excited for my free beer kind of way. I was able to cheer my co-worker in and we headed straight to the beer tent to celebrate the fact that it is totally acceptable to drink a beer at 8 a.m. after running a race. After listening to the band and eating some snacks we headed home.

Overall this was a fun race and I had a great time. This race makes me want to train for and run some shorter distances. Being done in under 30 minutes is something I can get behind.

What is your favorite race distance?
Did you race this weekend?


  1. I finally did my First Half-Marathon! Yay! A smallish event with a twisty course, I was happy just to finally do one. Great weather, good logistics. Ran a 2:05. Relatively happy, though I probably could have pushed it more. Never having gone farther than 10 in a race, or 12 in a LS training run, I had a mental block about being sure to keep enough in the tank.

    1. Great job!!! I always feel like I could have pushed it more at the end just never during...:)

  2. Yay! Great race! I did the 10 mile version of this last year and was surprised by the hills (even though I live in the burbs and know there are hills out here)! I would feel weird to finish that early too, and not be running more!

    No races for me this weekend! Favorite must be the HM :) This is the only 10 miler I have ever done! Maybe I should try another :)

    1. Those hills definitely sneak up on you. I love HMs too. I think they are my fav- though shorter races are super fun and I like having energy for the rest of day. :)

  3. Awesome job! Half marathons are my favorite, but I'm starting to enjoy 5Ks a little more: they're over quick, lots of people run them (newbies to speed demons) and they're still a challenge.


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