Training Review Week of 3/4- 3/10

Last week was a bit crazy. I came home from visiting family and jumped into training in downtown Chicago. 7 a.m. train rides and not getting home till 7 p.m. severely cut down on time available for running. But with switching things around and getting in my long run on Sunday I managed to squeeze in 42 miles last week. Whoop there it is!!!!
It went down like this
4 easy miles on Tuesday
3 miles on Wednesday, was supposed to be 8 but just couldn't do it
5 miles on Thursday to make up for the lack of 8 the day before
8 mile tempo on Friday, was supposed to be 9 miles but ran out of time- the train waits for no one
4 miles easy on Saturday- outside oh yeah!
18 mile long run- longest one yet

What is lacking in all that is:
a) stretching
b) hip exercises
c) cross training- no yoga, no weights, nada

The goal this week is to get back on track with that which should be easier since I will have more time- now if I could only get over the lazy.


  1. Awesome job on the mileage! That is extremely impressive considering your schedule. You rock!

  2. Not sure you can claim "lazy" in a blog post that boasts 42 miles and an 18 mile run. Just sayin'!

  3. I agree with the other girls...that is impressive mileage on any week, let alone such a busy one. Give yourself a break! And a massage. FAB week's running.


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