Chi Town Time

This Sunday it is time for another twenty mile marathon training run. So must be time for another half marathon.

This one is down in Chicago so should be nice and flat. Just the way we like them. I am going to attempt a seven mile warm-up again followed by a 13 mile run with a few other runners. Good times. The only thing that is not awesome is the weather. As of now 35 degrees with snow showers. Seriously- no more snow.

I would like to see if I can knock this twenty miles a little faster. Other then that I would like to just get it done. This weeks training has been a 4 mile on Tuesday, 9 miles on Wednesday (a double day with 5 in the morning and 4 in the afternoon), and 10 mile tempo run today, 4 miles on Saturday, 20 miles Sunday. Quite the week. I even did some yoga, stretching and body weight stuff. Whooo bring on the marathon.

Anyone else racing this weekend?


  1. I'll be running the chitown 10k! I'll probably have my owl hat on so if you see me, come say hi! (I'm terrible at recognizing people all bundled up in the cold ;)

    Good luck on your 20 miler!

    1. Awesome! I will keep an eye out for you. Good luck and hope you have lots of fun!


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